
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's Wednesday (and the Captain's feelin' wacky)

He looks at Eppy, Tutu, and me like this quite a lot...

I wonder if he's trying to tell us something...?

Claraboo the Caribou

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blog Post #298, in which I share my most favorite photo of my two most favorite people!

That was a very long title for this post, but it's very true!

As far as humans go, the award for my two most favorite people would be given to the Captain (of course) and Don Q. Berrymosh, the most polite man in the world.  The two of them did some filming over the weekend and yours truly was there to help!

These two kept me laughing all day long...
I can't wait for you to laugh with them too!

And what do you think of the Captain's new blue shirt? Eppy & Tutu found it for him and though he wasn't sure how it would look at first, we all agreed that it finished the outfit perfectly!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!!

Claraboo the Caribou

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Talespinner Tuesday: A new Skippyjon Jones book!!

And it's about the circus!!!

So I'm pretty excited about this weekend because the Captain is going to finishing up filming and I'M GOING TO BE THERE!  I usually don't hang around when he's working on his show, but this time I'm going to and I think it's going to be a lot of fun.  

I'll take some photos and if they turn out okay, we'll post them here, okay?

Enjoy the autumn weather...I love the colors and taking walks in the evening. 
So beautiful!

Claraboo the Caribou

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's almost Halloween!!

Sneaky non-video post here...

because it's October...

and it's my favorite month of the year...

because Halloween is this month!!

And I want to decorate the tree in front of the Captain's house with this:

Thank you to my friend Sage for passing along this photo!!!

Claraboo the Caribou