
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Swordfight Sunday: Jedi Cat and Dogs

I wonder if the cat can do Jedi mind tricks too...

Claraboo the Caribou

Psst...after you watch this video, come check out the latest on the Captain's Facebook page!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What is That? Wednesday: Celebration of Flight by Ibex Puppetry

So when you think of puppets, you think of hand puppets, right?  

Wait until you see this puppet video!

They look like kites, don't they?  
I want to make a dragonfly puppet like that!

(By the way, you know Jim Henson, right?  He did The Muppets!  His daughter Heather created the IBEX Puppetry company, which you watched above.  Pretty cool, right?)


Friday, September 21, 2012

New blog design! This deserves a new post...

Bonjour all!

It's late at night where I am now, but I couldn't wait another second to post because the Captain gave our blog a 
brand new look!!  I love it.  He likes steampunk design, so we're going to try it out here and see how everyone likes it.

Yaaawwwwnnnn....it's been a big, crazy day here at the Acres.  I've been bringing in most of the harvest from my garden before it gets too cold out, still working on my unicycle skills, and teaching my cat Erma how to play fetch.

Time for bed...goodnight all...see you again very soon!

Claraboo the Caribou 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

They Might Be Thursday: Kids Go! by They Might Be Giants

.........knock, knock.

knock. KNOCK.


Yes, yes....I'm coming!  So sorry to have kept you waiting.  

I haven't updated this blog since the middle of August??!!?


That's unacceptable... I am sorry, my faithful blog-reading Kangaroonies!   

Let me apologize with a  
They Might Be Giants video 
to make it all better.....

See?  Now we're bouncing and dancing all crazy-like and my lack of updates has been completely forgiven....


Whew...good.  Thank you.

See you soon...
Claraboo the (accidentally negligent) Caribou