
Monday, April 30, 2012

Musical Mondays: OUR LOVE IS A RAINBOW

Welcome back from the weekend!

I just watched the videos that the Captain posted...I am super-jazzed to make my own magic crystal tree.  It looks pretty easy...if you make a tree, will you email me a photo?  Just send it to claraboothecaribou@gmail.com and I'll post your photo here!

My weekend was busy, but fun.  I visited family in Québec (that's in Canada) and celebrated my mom's fête (birthday).  Her favorite treat is ice cream (or crème glacée, as we call it), so we bought her a cake made of ice cream and put a lot of candles in it.  She loved it!

Speaking of love, my Monday music video features a Brownie troop from South Carolina singing a song called "Our Love is a Rainbow" that they recorded with the band Lunch Money.

They recorded the song to raise money to build a school in Tanzania (that's in East Africa). I think that's really neat!!

See you tomorrow, Kangaroonies!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Silliness: Happy 99th Birthday, Joop Geesink!

Step aside, CGI.

Not today, claymation.

Please wait in the hall, ink and paint.

Today our attention is on the paper animation of birthday boy, Joop Geesink...

And a little Andre Popp on the side never hurts ; )

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fairytale Friday: Rise of the Guardians App

Good morning, Kangaroonies!

Remember last November when the Captain told you about an app called The Numberlys?  What about The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore? If not, go ahead and watch those now before we continue.  Pourquoi? Because it's very, very worth it.

All of us here at the Kangaroo Acres love Moonbot Studios (they're the people who make these great books, apps and movies!) and now there is something new!

The folks at Moonbot are working with DreamWorks Animation on a film adaption of their Guardians of Childhood books called Rise of the Guardians. The film won't be out until Thanksgiving 2012 but the app is out now and our friends at Cartoon Brew described it like this...

DreamWorks Animation brings fantasy to life with its Rise of the Guardians app that incorporates incredibly stunning visuals for an epic adventure with the movie’s heroes, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Sandman…
The new universal iPad and iPhone application unveils a visually stunning world for DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming November 21 movie release of Rise of the Guardians. The app, built from the ground up, targets the new iPad’s retina display. The mix of stunning artwork, the world’s most advanced tablet display, and the latest technology around the in-built gyroscope, results in a truly novel way of revealing each of the Guardian’s spectacular worlds.
You can download it here: http://itunes.apple.com/app/rise-of-the-guardians/id517250596

Have an oh-so amazingly beautiful weekend!
I'll be visiting family in Québec, so I'm leaving the Captain's blog in the capable hands of...well, the Captain  : ) 


Thursday, April 26, 2012

They Might Be Thursday: "Meet the Elements by TMBG

Bonjour Kangaroonies

Thank you for hanging out with me this past week and making me feel welcome. I'm looking forward to many more weeks with you here on the Captain's blog...feel free to say hi and continue to make video suggestions; I love hearing from you!

What's that? Some of you aren't sure what "bonjour" means? It's a French word that means Hello! in English. Try using this word when you greet people today!

So did you watch the video I posted first or did you skip ahead to see what I have to say about it? Either way is COMPLETELY fine by me! If you haven't been able to tell already, the Captain and his friends LOVE the band, They Might Be Giants...so much so that we like to feature a video by them every Thursday. I'm not sure WHAT we'll do when we run out of their videos...

Have you visited the Captain on his Facebook page lately? A few days ago, he posted a drawing of himself by his friend Joe Schwartz that I really love:

That looks a lot like him, don't you think? You know what? I'd LOVE to see your drawings of the Captain! Will you draw one for us?

If you're a kid, have your mom or dad scan the drawing and email it to me: claraboothecaribou (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you're an adult, WE WANT YOUR DRAWINGS TOO! Scan and email it to me.  I'll feature the drawings in upcoming posts on here, okay?

So get those crayons/markers/pencils/watercolors out and START DRAWING! :)

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What is That?? Wednesday: FUNNY TALKING ANIMALS


Um, oh hello there Kangaroooooonies....HAHAHOHOOOOHAHA...oh, I'm so sorry! I can't stop..hohohoho...laughing. Wow, my eyes are watering, my stomach hurts, and hahaha...

Just watch the video...haha...that's making me laugh so hard...ohhhh heehee *snort*...and I'll be right back!

Please tell me you laughed as much as I did! I've known some talking animals in my day (in fact, I AM one!), but I have never met any who were QUITE that funny.

I hope you laugh a lot today...tell your favorite joke to a friend, watch a movie or read a book that tickles your funny bone, or juggle your stuffed animals while standing on one foot and singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in your front yard. You're sure to make someone smile that way!

Until tomorrow...have an oh-so bea-YOU-tiful Wednesday!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Musical Mondays: DMK covers "Everything Counts" by Depeche Mode

Hellllloooo and welcome to a brand-new week! I hope your weekend was full of adventure, a fantastic book to read, a chocolate banana milkshake, a scientific discovery or two and a couple of good cat naps (that goes for the adults reading this too!).

I love the video the Captain posted yesterday...if you're learning about atoms in school, you should ask your teacher to show this video in class! And even if you're not in school anymore, it's still fun to learn new things. Brains need exercise too!

Speaking of learning new things, this video was made by a dad and his two kids, Milah and Korben (they live in Bogotá, Colombia), who learned new instruments and this song by Depeche Mode.

So I remember them playing a keyboard, a recorder, a xylophone, and a kazoo. Did you see any other instruments? They even made their own instruments out of a soda bottle and a cheese grater...I love it!


Oh, and a belated happy Earth Day to you! It's still early enough, so I'm going to spend some time in my garden and soak up the sun before it goes down. I'm planting some heirloom veggies (the tomatoes are best), flowers, and a few herbs.

Have an oh-so-beautiful day!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Silliness: FUNNY BONE by Caspar Babypants

Hello and happy Saturday to all of you Kangaroonies! This is Claraboo the Caribou with an especially silly video from one of the Captain's friends, Caspar Babypants. Have you heard of him? Your parents may know him from the band Presidents of the United States of America (go ahead and ask them...I'll wait for you!).



There you are! So what did they say? :)

Anyway, Caspar Babypants has become one of my new favorite singers and I bet he'll be yours also. Make sure to watch this video with someone you can tickle!

If you'd like to watch another of his videos, make sure to check out $9.99...it's a great video about rescuing and loving an old, forgotten toy bear. Do you have a favorite toy? What is it and where did you get it from?

Have a beeee-YOU-tiful Saturday! The Captain's going to post a video tomorrow, but I'll be back again Monday or Tuesday, okay? Bye!


Friday, April 20, 2012


Oh, hello and a very happy Friday to you!

It's Claraboo again...I'm really having a lot of fun writing on the Captain's blog. Maybe we should rename it "Claraboo the Caribou's Blogaboo". :) The Captain's being oh-so-very generous with his blog and I'm excited he invited me here.

So today is Friday and you know what that means...FAIRYTALE FRIDAY! A good fairytale needs to have a giant in it (or at least the ones I like the best do!), but the giant always seems to be the bad guy. Well, not in the fairytale I'm about to share with you!

This fairytale is about The Little Girl Giant, a time-traveling girl who lived in the dreams of a Sultan. The Sultan believed she was real and became obsessed with finding her in the land of dreams. As he traveled far and wide on his Time Traveling Elephant, he followed the clues she left behind: she loved to sew, so she would sometimes sew cars onto the road, boats onto their docks and trains onto their tracks.

This video shows The Little Girl Giant as she wakes up one morning, takes a shower, and wanders the city. She makes friends with little children who visit her and even eats some candy before taking a nap at the end of her day.

If you were a giant, what would you sew?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

They Might Be Thursdays: PIRATE GIRLS NINE by They Might Be Giants

Oh, hello again!

So here we are, on a beeee-YOU-tiful Thursday, and I found myself wondering what kind of video I would share with you today.

I watched a video about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and got oh-so-very hungry. After eating, I watched a video about aerialists from Australia (an aerialist is a really strong person who performs in the air, like a tightrope walker - I bet you've seen one in a circus before!) and got kind of dizzy!

After closing my eyes and humming a little song, I wasn't dizzy anymore, so then I watched this video and I knew it was the one for today!

I really like songs about pirates...what kinds of songs do YOU like? Leave a comment below and let me know...maybe I'll find a video especially for you!

Oops, I need to go...the Captain's calling me. See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A video from Claraboo!

A video from who?

We haven't met yet, but you'll be seeing me around this blog from time to time. My name is Claraboo the Caribou and I'm the Captain's blog liaison (which is a fancy word for "helper"!). That means I get to post videos of some of my favorite singers and shows to share with you! Never fear, the Captain will still be around. Don't forget, you can always visit us on our Facebook page too!

So here's my blog video debut...Raffi, a wonderful singer from Canada, singing a Japanese folk song about springtime (because I'm oh-so-very excited that it's finally spring!). If you'd like to sing along, I've posted the words below the video:

Haru ga Kita – Spring Has Come

Haru ga kita, haru ga kita
Doko ni kita?
Yama ni kita, sato ni kita
No ni mo kita

Hana ga saku, hana ga saku
Doko ni saku?
Yama ni saku, sato ni saku
No ni mo saku

Tori ga naku, tori ga naku
Doko de naku?
Yama ni naku, sato ni naku
No ni mo naku.

English translation:

Spring Has Come – Haru ga Kita

Now it is spring time, now it is spring time
Where has it come?
To the hillside, to our home and
Meadow it has come.

Flowers are blooming, flowers are blooming
Where are they in bloom?
On the hillside, to our home and
Meadow they’re in bloom.

Birds are singing, birds are singing
Where do they sing?
On the hillside, in our home and
Meadow, hear them sing.


And by the way...it's oh-so-nice to meet you! See you tomorrow!