
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What is That?? Wednesday: FUNNY TALKING ANIMALS


Um, oh hello there Kangaroooooonies....HAHAHOHOOOOHAHA...oh, I'm so sorry! I can't stop..hohohoho...laughing. Wow, my eyes are watering, my stomach hurts, and hahaha...

Just watch the video...haha...that's making me laugh so hard...ohhhh heehee *snort*...and I'll be right back!

Please tell me you laughed as much as I did! I've known some talking animals in my day (in fact, I AM one!), but I have never met any who were QUITE that funny.

I hope you laugh a lot today...tell your favorite joke to a friend, watch a movie or read a book that tickles your funny bone, or juggle your stuffed animals while standing on one foot and singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in your front yard. You're sure to make someone smile that way!

Until tomorrow...have an oh-so bea-YOU-tiful Wednesday!

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