
Thursday, April 26, 2012

They Might Be Thursday: "Meet the Elements by TMBG

Bonjour Kangaroonies

Thank you for hanging out with me this past week and making me feel welcome. I'm looking forward to many more weeks with you here on the Captain's blog...feel free to say hi and continue to make video suggestions; I love hearing from you!

What's that? Some of you aren't sure what "bonjour" means? It's a French word that means Hello! in English. Try using this word when you greet people today!

So did you watch the video I posted first or did you skip ahead to see what I have to say about it? Either way is COMPLETELY fine by me! If you haven't been able to tell already, the Captain and his friends LOVE the band, They Might Be Giants...so much so that we like to feature a video by them every Thursday. I'm not sure WHAT we'll do when we run out of their videos...

Have you visited the Captain on his Facebook page lately? A few days ago, he posted a drawing of himself by his friend Joe Schwartz that I really love:

That looks a lot like him, don't you think? You know what? I'd LOVE to see your drawings of the Captain! Will you draw one for us?

If you're a kid, have your mom or dad scan the drawing and email it to me: claraboothecaribou (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you're an adult, WE WANT YOUR DRAWINGS TOO! Scan and email it to me.  I'll feature the drawings in upcoming posts on here, okay?

So get those crayons/markers/pencils/watercolors out and START DRAWING! :)

See you tomorrow!

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